Monday, October 31, 2011

Change Target of Task List Explorer Icon to My Computer

If you are running windows 7 and hate the "Libraries" default on your task bar, here is how to change it to default to "My Computer"
  • Right click the icon for Windows Explorer on the task bar.
  • Right click Windows Explorer
  • Left click Properties
  • Set the target to be:
    %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /root,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
The icon will now default to the My Computer menu instead of libraries.

Computer running Check Disk every time you start up

If during startup, you always get a message that says a drive it broken and Windows needs to run CHKDSK on it, you allow the CHKDSK to proceed, but then get the same prompt every time you reboot, try these steps:

In the following, replace 'e:' with the drive letter that is having this problem on your machine:

1. Click on your start menu and open the run dialog.
2. Type "cmd" and press Enter (note: don't enter quotes).
3. Next type "fsutil dirty query e:".
4. If the return message indicates that the volume is dirty go to step 5.
5. Next type "chkdsk e: /f /x".
6. After that finshes repeat step 3.
7. If it is no longer dirty then reboot and you should notice no more ckdisk

Friday, October 28, 2011

Reset Local Security Policy

Today im showing you a very simple .Bat file to reset your local security policy.

Have you ever logged on to a computer as the administrator but been told that you dont have admin priviledges. I have!

So this simple command resets the local security policy to default.

echo off
secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\repair\secsetup.inf /db secsetup.sdb /verbose
shutdown -r -t 10

It can take a little while but has worked everytime for me. After it has done it, the computer will restart. If you dont want it to do this (it needs to for it to take effect) then you can just delete the line that starts with 'shutdown'

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Automate Registering Windows 7 and Office 2010

If you still not using a KMS server you will need to manually register all your windows 7 computers.
Here is a very simple bat script that will allow you to do that.
First you will need to be logged on with admin priviledges, have internet access, and run the .Bat file as administrator.

The command is very simple. It is

echo off
slmgr -ato

Right, Now for Office 2010. The command is

echo off
cd "c:\program files\microsoft office\office14"
cscript ospp.vbs /inpkey:YOUR-PRODUCT-KEY
cscript ospp.vbs /act

That's it. The -ipk changes your product key to what ever you specify. (you'll need to put the dashes in eg 1234-123-1234). The -ato activates the new key. The same applies for office 2010, except with /inpkey and /act

That's it. You can automate this through group policy, log on scripts or simply double clicking the file. Easy