Friday, March 23, 2012

Starting the Windows 7 RSS feed gadgets on logon

I've been asked to look at starting the windows 7 RSS feed gadget on logon for staff members. The management believe its a better way for rolling out information about the company than using emails. I had a bit of a google and there wasn't that much on it, so when I found out how to do it I thought I would share it with everyone.

Its actually quite simple.

First take a test machine and in Internet Explorer add the RSS feed you want to run through the gadget. Then browse yourself to c:\users\USERNAME\appdata\local\microsoft\feeds. In here you will find a file with the name of the feed. Copy this file to a new location as you will need to copy this file to everyones local area.

Second, again on your test machine, launch the RSS feed gadget by right clicking on the desktop and choosing 'gadgets'. Then select the 'Feeds Headlines' gadget. This should launch in the top right hand corner. Open its settings and choose the rss feed you want to run as default under the heading "Display this Feed". Now, with it still open browse to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar. In here you will find a 'settings.ini'. You'll need to make a copy of this file as well.

Ok, now put these two files in a place that everyone has access to. The NETLOGON of your AD controller might be a good place. Now you can write a little bat file that will do the copying for you. eg....

echo off
xcopy \\SERVER\netlogon\rss\settings.ini "%userprofile%\appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\" /y
xcopy "\\SERVER\netlogon\rss\FILE FOR RSSFEED " "%userprofile%\appdata\Local\Microsoft\feeds\" /y
cd "C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\"

Then you can set your group policy to run this bat file on logon (USER config -> policies ->windows settings -> scripts -> logon) and that should be it. It will start everytime someone logs on and runs the default RSS feed.

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